HAWK2020 Coaching
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About Keller Hayes
Keller Hayes was trained by the Colorado Coaching and Hypnotherapy Training Institute and is a Certified Coach through Coach Training Alliance. Hayes is a Certified Golf Specialist and a Certified Sports Specialist. She is licensed to administer the DiSC Profile and the 360 degree assessment. She has also been selected by the US Department of Transportation Field Office to help small business owners achieve peak performance in their companies.

A graduate of the Colorado Coaching and Hypnotherapy Training Institute, Keller received extensive training in hypnosis.  She has a Specialty Certification in Sports Hypnosis from one of the Sports Psychologists for the Olympic Training Center and the World Class Athlete Program.  

She is a member of the American Counsel of Hypnotic Examiners and the National Guild of Hypnotists.

Through coaching and hypnosis, you can get control of your life. 
Schedule your free consultation 
Call 303.800.3733
or email:  keller@HAWK2020.com