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American Council of Hypnotist Examiners

The E-Myth Revisited - Michael E. Gerber - Basics on how to run a small business and implement systems for success

Total Health Makeover - Marilu Henner - Ten simple steps to increasing your health.  Well researched.

Living Big - Embrace you Passion and LEAP into an Extraordinary Life - Pam Grout - Great examples of ordinary people living extraordinary lives.

Zero Limits - Hawaiian system about mindfulness of your energy and leveraging that into success

DiSC Profile - Computerizes profile that helps you put the focus on your strengths rather than weaknesses - for more info

​PACE - The 12 Minute Fitness Revolution - Al Sears, MD - A new look at fitness.  Building heart strength & lung power while increasing energy and burning fat.

The Secret Garden - Guided meditation & visualization - www.meditainment.com

​The Secret - Living the Law of Attraction - available in book, dvd and audio

Hypno Birthing - Dateline Video - Part 1Part 2